Birth Preparation workshops
Approach birth with confidence
Antenatal birth preparation and Hypnobirthing – One-day workshops
Birth Preparation and Hypnobirthing
This interactive and fun workshop is for you and your birth partner. It is packed full of evidence-based information, with a focus on reducing fear and anxiety around birth by building knowledge and confidence to ensure your path to parenthood is a calm and a positive one.
The workshop is facilitated by experienced Midwife. Karen has a Bachelor of Midwifery, Masters of Child Family and Community Nursing, experience as a Maternal and Child Health Nurse and is parent of three children.
What is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is an approach to antenatal education that encompasses a toolbox of techniques to address fear, anxiety or negativity and provides tools to remain calm, relaxed and comfortable during labour and birth.
Grounded in science and evidence-based it is not as ‘alternative’ as it sounds. Hypnobirthing utilises the science of mind–body connection to allow our bodies to perform and for birth to unfold exactly as it is designed to do.
Hypnobirthing is not a standardised or regulated practice. Different courses will have a different ethos or take a different approach. Some focus specifically on one type of birth. It is important that you find a group and facilitator that aligns to your values and approach to birth.
Based on the book, Mindful Hypnobirthing by Sophie Fletcher, my one-day workshops will provide you with knowledge and tools to support physiological birth, however with an understanding that this may not be the preferred or safest option for everybody.
I am here to ensure you feel informed and confident about giving birth, however that unfolds for you.
Positivebirth antenatal preparation and hypnobirthing workshops come highly recommended by Midwives, Childbirth Educators, Obstetricians and Women’s Health Physiotherapists
The Details
Workshops are held at
The Mind Room
28 Wellington Street, Collingwood
The workshop runs from 10am to 5pm
Morning and afternoon tea are included.
We will break for lunch and there are many take-away options near both venues or feel free to bring your own lunch and use the kitchen facilities.
The cost of the workshop is $395 for two people – you and your birth support person.
If you have private health insurance you may be eligible to claim the cost or portion of the cost dependent on your individual policy. Karen has provider numbers with many health insurers.
What is covered in the one-day Hypnobirthing workshop?
Benefits of using a hypnobirthing approach
The power of the mind–body connection – understanding how we think and why this is important for birth
The language of empowered birth
Understanding the process of birth and what is happening in your body
The hormones of labour and birth
Creating the ultimate birthing space
Reframe subconscious fears, anxiety and negativity, allowing you to approach birth from a place of trust and calm
Tools to enable you to access a deep state of relaxation to support the physiology of labour and birth while maintaining a sense of calm and comfort
Knowing what information to trust and questions to ask to make informed decisions puts you and your partner in control of decisions in pregnancy and birth
It might look like a water birth or an induction, but we won’t shy away from the realities of childbirth
Communicating your choices with your healthcare team
Normal range of pregnancy, signs of early labour and how labour unfolds
When to call the Midwife or care provider, when to go in to hospital
Mindful movements and positions for labour
Being a practical, protective and mindful birth partner
Understanding the role of birth support and your wider birth team
Massage and touch in labour
and so much more …
The course includes a hard copy of the book, Mindful Hypnobirthing by Sophie Fletcher.
Includes a complete set of downloadable Mp3’s for birth preparation.
Includes ongoing support after the workshop. I can not give you individual advice but I can refer you to information or educational resources that are relevant.
Frequently asked questions
You can attend at any stage in pregnancy, however, I would recommend between 24–34 weeks pregnant.
I have had couples come late in pregnancy with fabulous feedback so don’t worry if you are in the third trimester!
The one-day hypnobirthing workshop costs AUD $395. This includes the workshop for you and your birth partner, Mp3 tracks for birth preparation and a folio of resources.
In most cases if you have private health insurance they will cover the cost or part of the course fee.
I am a registered Midwife. I have provider numbers with a number of health funds and a medicare provider number for antenatal education.
The amount you get back will depend in your individual cover.
Please get in touch and ask about your individual circumstances or check with your health fund.
First, second, third baby …fifth baby. the course is for you! No matter which baby this is for you the course will provide you with tools and techniques ready for THIS birth.
No matter your birth choices, the workshop is suitable for all women having all kinds of births.
It is my belief that a positive birth doesn’t mean one thing.
With decision making tools and a positive approach to navigating intervention, the workshop is beneficial for any type of birth.
There is a specific course just for you.
The half-day caesarean birth workshop covers a positive mindset ahead of a caesarean section, navigating your choices, the day of your birth and recovery.
Book a Positivebirth one-day Birth workshop
If you have private health insurance, you may be able to claim all or part of the cost of the in-person workshop cost. Please contact us if your health fund is not listed below.
BUPA provider number: N092442
GMHBA provider number: 1081614W
HCF provider number: 00348416
Defense Health: NMW10816
Frank Health insurance: 1081614W
NIB provider number: 10244519 (includes Qantas Assure, AAMI, Apia, Tal Health Insurance, Suncorp Health Insurance)
GU Health: 21211009
CBHS provider number: RM1081614
Doctors Health Fund approved rebate
Teachers Health Fund approved rebate
Peoplecare approved provider
Navy Health provider number: 6064891T
Private Health Insurance